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The cost of living is leading to increased need and rising costs for food banks all across the country. The sharp rise in the cost of energy, food, and other essentials, alongside cuts to universal credit, has led to an accelerated crisis in the UK, with more families being forced to the doors of food banks in need of emergency food.

Although many continue to generously donate so that food banks can continue supporting people facing hardship, these donations are not currently keeping pace with the increased need.

McArthur Stanton’s office in Dumbarton is looking to help as much as it can in the town. We’re collecting donations every week.

So if you’re coming into the office for an appointment or are simply passing by, any donations you’d like to bring with you would be very much appreciated. As people feel the impact of the cost of living crisis and look to make savings, food banks are seeing an increase in need for ‘cold food packs.’ This is food that can be eaten without the need for high-energy and high-cost appliances, so anything along this line would certainly make a difference, but feel free to donate whatever, and how much, you can.

Thank you so much for your help! ????

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