We are delighted to offer a discount for Powers of Attorney instructed online.
The cost for a power of attorney is typically £250 to £350 + VAT together with a fee of £74 for registration with the Office of the Public Guardian as is required. By completing the application form, your Power of Attorney will cost only £200 + VAT (or a total of £300 + VAT for two Powers of Attorney instructed together) together with the registration fee.
A Power of Attorney is as important as making a will, but it is something many people fail to consider when making plans for the future. Setting up a Power of Attorney allows you to nominate someone, such as a trusted relative, to act for you if you lose the ability to look after yourself. It means that your financial affairs and all aspects of your care and welfare would not be left in limbo were you to fall ill or become incapacitated. You can, if you wish, choose to nominate more than one person to look after your affairs, either as a joint attorney, to make decisions alongside the first, or as a substitute attorney, should the first attorney be unable to act as an attorney. A Power of Attorney is a far-reaching document and allows your Attorney to stand in your shoes and make decisions on your behalf. You must choose your Attorney as someone you can trust and talk to about what your wishes are, be that a relative, friend or professional.
Hopefully, your Power of Attorney will never be needed, but you can enjoy the comfort of knowing that, in times of need, the Power of Attorney could be used to ensure that your family would not be in financial difficulty. Without a Power of Attorney, your financial affairs and the arrangements for your care and welfare would be frozen until the Court granted an Intervention or Guardianship Order. It can take many months from first deciding that somebody needs help, to the Court assessing the case and the Office of the Public Guardian ("the OPG") permitting the Guardian to commence acting on the adult's behalf, which is why we would always advise clients to set up a Power of Attorney so that your care will be and affairs can be handled as smoothly as possible.
Click here for our Powers of Attorney form page for more information.
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Contact us on 01389 486884 (Dumbarton) or 01436 584482 (Helensburgh), and one of our specialist team will be happy to discuss your options with you.